NPTE Results Waiting Game
If you just took the NPTE today, congratulations on taking and completing your license exam! Now that you are done with the exam, the waiting for your result begins for a week. Take a deep breath and let all the months of studying take a break. It’s time for your mind to take a break to relax. It’s time to get back to some things you may have held off for a while. Although, you may be done with the NPTE there are few key pointers to remember.

No Disclosing NPTE Questions

First, you are legally bound not to disclose any national physical therapy exam questions to anyone. If you do, you are jeopardizing your license eligibility. The FSBPT takes this seriously and when caught, you’ll find that you are not licensable in any state to practice. Is this worth it to tell those that haven’t taken the exam? Absolutely not!

Exam is Over

Second point is that the exam is over. You can’t go back and change any of your multiple choice answers and the results are now out of your control. Once you hit that submit button and left the Prometric center, you have completed the exam. Avoid going back to any study guides or books to look up an answer. If you do look things up and saw that maybe you got an answer wrong, that may add to your anxiety about not passing. This also brings back to the first point – if you try to remember the question and answer, you may reveal to others about the exam questions inadvertently and you’ll want to prevent that.

Avoid Talking About Your Experience

The third key point is to avoid talking to others about your experience on the exam whether good or not so great. The last advice someone wants to hear from an examinee is how hard, unfair or easy it was. This only brings up anxiety and more questions from candidates that are currently studying. This may get you to reveal information when engaging in the conversation. You’ll want to stay clear from relaying and misguiding another candidate on their exam. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses so you’ll want to just let this experience be your experience. Do give yourself credit about studying and taking the exam as this is an accomplishment.

Just Enjoy

Another key point is to enjoy the next few days. The results will come out in a week or so. You can learn more about what happens behind the scenes once you submit your exam. Your score won’t come any closer when you are continuously checking the results sooner, you’ll want to avoid being “Examzilla.” As hard as it may be for some to think about what the results may be, you’ll want to be positive and do something else to prevent any anxiety feelings. When you do get your results, whether PASS or not, you’ll want to remember that you prepared to be an entry level practicing physical therapist.

The last point is for those that were a part of TEP’s course, I ask that you contact TEP after receiving your results so that we can congratulate you. TEP’s team would like to know how everyone that went through course did and to keep in touch.

Those that want to learn more about Therapy Exam Prep, please visit the website to learn more on how to study clinically and smarter for the NPTE.

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