Site icon Therapy Exam Prep – Prepare for the NPTE Online

Being Proactive with Your NPTE Preparation

As Therapy Exam Prep has helped thousands of participants pass the NPTE and NPTAE, a common question asked is when should I enroll into one of TEP’s program?

Here are some general guidelines about enrolling in TEP’s three month online NPTE webinar exam prep program.

To prepare for the following NPTE / NPTAE exams:

You’ll also want to consider the following situations and adjusting your starting date:

These have been accurate guidelines for successful preparations. When in TEP’s program, there are assessments to help guide how much preparation based on various factors as well as how ready you are. There is definitely a difference between those that rush and those that are fully prepared both on scores and confidence. The more confident and ready the higher the scores. TEP is about being proactive and being prepared in three aspects 1) test taking skills including exam analysis, 2) clinical thinking approach as the exam is not academic and 3) holistic approach where you are working on your mindset, your health and ways to eliminate stress. Enroll here today and begin your NPTE journey to success!

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