Understanding the Anatomy of an NPTE Question

What makes up the components of a multiple choice question on the NPTE? We understand there is a question with four answers. However, if you miss an NPTE question, do you know what part of the question or answers steered you in a different direction away from the...

PT Exam Scores – What to Aim For on NPTE Practice Exams

“What’s the bare minimum score I need to get for passing?” or “What score do I need to achieve to pass?” If you have asked that, seen or heard it asked, you’re not alone. However, by asking this question, you are essentially saying: what’s the score I can get on the...

PT Exam – What Your NPTE Score Means

Oh, the wait is unbearable! How cruel that others already know their NPTE Score and you may still be glued to the computer screen hitting the refresh button on the FSBPT site to see your PT exam results. Could this day drag on any longer? The minutes seem to be...

PT Exam – The NPTE Mindset – Getting Into the Zone

In the upcoming days, you’re about to take a very important exam – your board license exam. It’s common to feel anxious and nervous and there are many others in the same position as you. You may even feel like your mind is overwhelmed with material but also with...

NPTE Tip – Emotions from the PT Exam Results

You may be experiencing a different type of anxiety as you wait for your PT exam results than what you may have felt when you took the actual exam. The tense moments at the computer screen waiting for your results to tell you whether you passed your NPTE or NPTAE to...

How NPTE Test Questions are Derived

Lately, I have been asked by several candidates “Are the NPTE questions based on textbooks?” The short answer is “No.” Let me repeat the answer: “No.” The questions for the NPTE or NPTAE are not written based on textbooks. No candidate should be misled with this...