“I just have to look at my NPTE notes today or I’ll forget everything I know!”

NPTE AnxietyWas a response given to me while advising candidates to not study or review the day before the NPTE. At this time, looking at any new or even reviewing can increase your test anxiety. By reviewing, you can also increase your fears or doubts just before the actual exam day. Literally, no studying should be done and especially not the morning of this entry-level PT Exam!

“But I’ll go crazy if I don’t look at something for the NPTE! I just have to!”

Actually, you don’t need to look at anything anymore. By this time, your brain is so full of information, that you may feel like you are actually losing information. You have to trust yourself that you know enough for the NPTE. There’s always going to be something you could be looking at. This begins a negative thought cycle of feeling like you may not remember anything for the national physical therapy exam. While it may feel like you are, it’s certainly not true — unless you keep thinking about that. If you are fully prepared, you should know that you have enough information to help you through the pt board licensure exam.

The Day Before the NPTE

The day before the NPTE is the time to allow your brain to relax and your body to be calm. Tomorrow is a big day and you’ll want to be fully rested and have sleep plan so that you can have the full concentration to last the NPTE endurance marathon. Even trying to read ONE the last thing can still bring up both test anxiety and not be confident about passing. Don’t make the NPTE harder than it needs to be – that’s not what you want to do right now.

It’s truly normal to have some exam jitters and some nervousness when about to sit for the NPTE. When you feel that you are fully prepared, you should be able to step back and know that one day of not studying will be just fine. At this point in time, it’s not so much of cramming more information but more about controlling any negative mental attitude and thoughts. You’ll want to prepare yourself to get into the zone.

Controlling Your Mind

Your mind is a powerful tool and it can make or break your scores. If you feel mentally prepared and your gut instinct knows you did your best to prepare, you’ll be confident going in. You can say to yourself “I have passed.” Take the time to practice the NPTE visual imagery for a positive outcome. If your mind says “oh no” and your gut feels like a pit in the stomach because of not feeling quite as ready. The chance of passing maybe borderline if not fully prepared. At this point in time, give the PT exam your best shot at achieving a passing score. There’s no turning back now – just go for it.

Regardless of how you feel right now, it’s time to put away the books, notes, highlighters, flashcards or anything related to the NPTE. It’s time to give yourself and your brain a break. Take this time to relax, prepare for tomorrow and get some good night rest. Tomorrow will come and you’ll face the physical therapist exam but don’t dread this NPTE. Remember, that the questions are patients and you are facing 250 evaluations.

Those in Therapy Exam Prep’s courses, here’s your chance to show the NPTE what you got and implement the powerful test-taking strategy – the exam process. You learned how to systematically approach the multiple choice questions without overanalyzing. You know that you have more than enough time and shouldn’t be rushed at all. It’s just about being sure you are calm, cool, positive and confident. Visualize your success, repeat your positive affirmations and know that you passed the NPTE.

Therapy Exam Prep wishes the best of preparation to all that are taking the exam tomorrow!

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