Kim Nobrega passes NPTEKim was part of Therapy Exam Prep’s July II NPTE webinar program in 2012. Recently she emailed me and let me know her successful NPTE passage. Now that she is a licensed Physical Therapist, Kim wanted to share her testimonial with others.

“I want to thank you for developing such an exceptional program to help prepare future physical therapy students to pass the NPTE. And that is what I did….I passed the NPTE!

You are so right when you stated that preparing for the NPTE is a journey.  It is a journey however that I did not have to do alone. With the help of your team at TEP and my fellow colleagues on the forum; I was able to get the self-assurance, the structure, and the complete approach I needed to be successful.  I can not say enough on how thankful I am that a program like TEP was developed; a program that takes a total approach to success; one that encompasses the mind, the body and the soul.

For ever grateful ~Dr. Kimberly Nobrega, PT, DPT”

You can also read her appreciation on TEP’s forum here.


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