The exam tests candidates on 9 Systems and 5 Content Sections. To learn more details on what is tested, you’ll want to review the NPTE Candidate Handbook from the FSBPT.
What types of questions are presented on the NPTE?
Can there be more than 1 correct answer for a given question?
How much time do I have when taking the NPTE?
Can I take unscheduled breaks?
When during the year is the NPTE given?
The NPTE is given four times a year, once a quarter in January, April, July and October. For each quarter, only one day is dedicated to taking the licensure exam with the exception of July where there are two days it is given that month.
Can I take the NPTE before graduation?
Yes, there are 36 states that allow you can sit for the NPTE prior to graduation. To learn more which states allow this, review this document: FSBPT - Taking the NPTE before Graduation
Do I have to sit for the exam in the state that I’m applying to practice in?
No, you can take the NPTE in the state you are currently in for a different state license.
Are there any special accommodations when I take the NPTE?
Yes, there are accommodations to those that are documented as needing them. There are time extensions of 1.5x (7.5 hours) to 2x (10 hours).
The time for the breaks also adjusts by the appropriate amount 1.5x (22.5 minutes) and 2x (30 minutes).
Other accommodations that are available are: having a reader and being in a private room. All these need to be cleared by FSBPT and the Prometric center notified prior to testing.
What if I’m not able to or ready to take the NPTE after I’ve registered?
You can reschedule your exam at any time however, there’s a fee associated with cancelling.
Click below to learn more: Rescheduling, Canceling, No-Shows and Refunds
Note: There are additional fees from the Prometric center when withdrawing as well.
The weather conditions are unfavorable, how do I know if I can still take the exam?
If the weather is unfavorable, you’ll want to check the Prometric site for closures: Prometric Site Closures.
You can also call the location you are scheduled to take the exam.
The Prometric center may also call, email, or send you a letter about possible closure due to other circumstances. In these cases with the coordination of FSBPT, you will figure out the best time to reschedule your exam.
After submitting my exam, how long does it take to get the results?
Starting on the 6th day after your exam has been submitted, you’ll be able to check your NPTE results on the FSBPT website.
To learn more about what happens behind the scenes you can read this blog post: Your NPTE Score: Behind the Scenes
What will I see on the screen?
Your results will indicate PASS, FAIL or WITHHELD. The actual score won’t be shown for another few days.
PASS - You answered correctly at or above the criteria score. Congratulations! FAIL - Unfortunately, this means you missed too many questions and fell below the criteria to become licensed and practice. WITHHELD - This means that you’ll have to answer questions that the FSBPT asks you. You’ll want to do this promptly in order to know your results within a two week period time. This does not automatically mean you failed. There are different reasons why this may be done and you can learn more what this means from the FSBPT website here:Withheld Scores FAQs
What’s considered passing?
Passing is a scaled score of 600. The range of the scores is from 200 to 800.
Will I get a score report?
A free score report of your NPTE is available 10 days after the exam on the FSBPT website and accessible for 30 days.
Once the score is released to the jurisdiction (5-6 days), you can pay to see the score report earlier than the 10 days by paying a fee of $80. Learn more about how to do that here: Individual Score Report
If you didn’t pass, there’s information you’ll want to know about re-taking the NPTE.
Will I get a breakdown of my exam performance?
Not automatically. You’ll have to request a Performance Feedback Report from the FSBPT. To learn more on the steps to get one for a $90 fee click here: NPTE Performance Feedback Report
How do I read the Performance Feedback Report?
The FSBPT provides a link on how to read the Performance Feedback Report here: Using Your Performance Feedback Report
What’s the difference between the score report and the performance feedback report?
The individual score report just provides your score. The performance feedback report provides a more detailed analysis breaking it down into 3 components:Content AreaThis breakdown is your exam performanceBody SystemsThis provides your performance on how well you did by systemsBy SectionThis provides how well you performed per section on the exam
How many attempts can a candidate take the NPTE in a year?
Are there differences between states when taking the NPTE?
Will I get the same NPTE when I retake the exam?
Why is it that I didn’t pass even with a higher score than my friend?
Would a candidate have to do remediation after failing?
FSBPT - Retaking NPTE
Is there an overall limit in taking the NPTE?
Can I appeal my results?
Is there a low limit NPTE score?
If I reached the limit of 6, what are my options to continue in the field?
What can I do if I’ve reached the 6 attempt limit and still want to sit for the exam?
NPTE Appeal Form