Visalam Mahalingam passes the NPTEEarlier this week, Visalam emailed me about her passing the recent October NPTE. She was excited and wanted to share with others her NPTE success story and being a part of Therapy Exam Prep’s online program.

Here’s what she had to say “Being overwhelmed and overcome with stress and pessimism, I tried to read and memorize the study guides end to end and found that this method was futile! I saw TEP’s class on the APTA website and decided to give it a try since they not only covered the material for the exam, but also incorporated health and wellness as a component to preparing for the NPTE! TEP taught me that I know a lot more than I give myself credit for and that what I was lacking were test-taking strategies and confidence.

At first, TEP’s methods were challenging for me because I was set in my old study habits (reading the study guides from end to end and studying for 8-10 hrs a day), but once I forced myself to adapt to their methods of studying, I saw drastic increases in my scores! Miye’s and TEP’s study techniques and methods are quite effective and I could not have done it without them! The more you participate, the more you really get out of it! TEP helped me conquer the NPTE by establishing a strong mind-body-soul connection as well as enlightened me on the important test taking strategies I was lacking! TEP taught me to study smarter and stay positive, which in turn got rid of my pessimism and feelings of being overwhelmed!

Miye and the TEP team are constantly tracking your progress online and I have even received personal encouragement from Miye from time to time! I can’t thank TEP enough for helping me overcome one of my biggest hurdles ever! Keep doing your thing TEP and thanks again for helping me pass the NPTE!! I definitely recommend this program and couldn’t have done it without TEP! Good Luck future PTs and always believe in yourself!”

Visalam also wanted to share her two favorites quotes:
1) “Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.” ~Malcolm Forbes
2) “I hated every minute of training but I said ‘ Don’t quit. Suffer now & live the rest of your life as a champion!’” ~Muhammad Ali ”

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