NPTE Tip on Recovering After a Fail

Soon after an exam either NPTE or NPTAE, I get emails about what to do next or what shall I do to be successful on my next exam. First, I want to say that getting the dreaded F-word on the screen doesn’t mean it’s the end. As hard as it may seem, take a deep...

Your NPTE Results

All these months of studying for the physical therapy board exam and about a week of waiting to see your NPTE or NPTAE results are here. The moment of truth about your NPTE preparation is about to be revealed by checking the FSBPT website. There may be a bit of...

TEP Sponsors APTA’s NSC 2013 in Louisville

Therapy Exam Prep had a great showing at APTA’s National Student Conclave (NSC) in Louisville, Kentucky. The conference was held at the Galt Hotel on October 25-27, 2013. TEP was a gold sponsor at the conference and had a booth for students to stop by and talk...

Your NPTE Results – Now the Waiting Game

If you just took the NPTE today, congratulations on taking and completing your license exam! Now that you are done with the exam, the waiting for your result begins for a week. Take a deep breath and let all the months of studying take a break. It’s time for your mind...

TEP helps Rowena Checa PASS the April NPTE

Rowena was one of several participants where her company sponsored her NPTE exam prep with TEP. She was part of the February II Program and successfully passed the NPTE in April. At first, Rowena questioned TEP’s strategies but then quickly realized how thinking...