There are a couple of mistakes that people do when studying for the NPTE that I see and read about. Here are the top five studying mistakes that occur:

1) Having too many reference books – this usually overwhelms you in general and to know what or where to focus on can be difficult. This is where TEP focus on clinical thinking and guides you in areas of the NPTE content so that you are studying smarter, effective and efficiently.

2) Reading the study guides and references from cover to cover. This is not the most efficient or best use of time. The exam is not academic and purely reading will make things feel like you haven’t covered everything. The exam is entry level and so therefore you want to make sure you have a solid foundation so you can apply your knowledge to the clinical case scenarios.

3) Not analyzing your practice exam in detailed. What do the scores mean after you take the practice exam? Usually, you’ll know what system or content section area that you may need to strengthen but where exactly is not provided for you. This is where TEP helps you understand where to really focus your studying so that you can develop a systematic study plan so that you are efficient.

4) Studying by chapters until done. This is what is taught in school but do you find yourself forgetting the material after a few weeks when you covered another system? This is normal but with TEP – has you studying in a different way so you are focusing on all systems and content sections every week.

5) Studying in big blocks of time. This is done when studying for school but it doesn’t always work when preparing for the NPTE. TEP teaches you how  study smarter in smaller chunks so that you can understand the information better. 

Want to know more? These are just a few that TEP participants learn in the program. TEP is a positive community for those that are preparing for the NPTE with a different approach by preparing participants with the following emphasis: exam analysis, clinical thinking and a holistic approach. With these three components, TEP provides guidance, support and feedback on a daily basis to help those preparing for the NPTE to success. Looking forward to helping you succeed in the next program! You can enroll here.
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