Reducing NPTE Test Anxiety by Controlling the Tempo

As the big day to take your NPTE approaches, let’s imagine you are at the Prometric Testing Center, already checked in and escorted to your computer. You are at the computer about to begin this endurance marathon of answering questions over the next several hours....

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How to Effectively Utilize NPTE Study Guides

I often see NPTE review study guides being sold with “no highlighting or markings” after the PT board exam. I rarely see NPTE study guides being marked up (yes, they are not worth as much - however, this is a missed opportunity). I think to myself, what a shame that...

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NPTE Blood Pressure Guidelines

In a recent update from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (2017), there are new guidelines that define the blood pressure categories. The FSBPT provided an update of this information in the 4th Quarter of 2017 for questions to be...

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