TEP’s NPTE Success: Tonquita Knott

A year ago, Tonquita emailed Therapy Exam Prep (TEP) about being discouraged after an unsuccessful attempt and had asked for help to prepare for the NPTE with a new approach. It wasn’t until July 2014 when she enrolled into TEP’s 3 month online NPTE exam...

Vidhu Soni: NPTE Success with TEP!

Thank you Miye and TEP Team! I have no words to express my thanks for the incredible support by the TEP team. I passed both the NPTAE and NPTE by just applying TEP’s tips & strategies provided by Miye in her program. I had lot of test anxiety but TEP helped...

How TEP helps Mary Sue for NPTE Readiness

I receive daily emails about “How does Therapy Exam Prep(TEP) prepare someone for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE)?” The answer to this question depends on the needs for the individual as there is no generic template to preparing someone for exam...

NPTE Mistake – Using it as a Practice Exam

“I just used yesterday’s NPTE as a practice exam to really prepare for the January NPTE.” That was a very pricey practice exam and this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this from someone preparing for their license. My advice is always the same: Don’t use the actual...

NPTE Studying Mistake – Studying the Day Before

“I just have to look at my NPTE notes today or I’ll forget everything I know!” Was a response given to me while advising candidates to not study or review the day before the NPTE. At this time, looking at any new or even reviewing can increase your test anxiety. By...